Everett Fenton's Garage


We understand your vehicle’s engine. Like every hard-working system, it needs to be maintained in order to keep efficiency and power. We recommend that your engine be routinely checked every 3 – 4 months, or every 5,000 Km, and serviced by our skilled technicians.

Our general servicing involves a vehicle inspection and changing the following:

  1. a) oil
  2. b) filters
  3. c) spark plugs
  4. d) brakes service
  5. e) clean the throttle-body
  6. f) alignment and wheel balancing
  7. g) lubricate rubbers
  8. h) interior vacuum and wash

A tune-up is a service that is not as detailed as the general servicing, with only the oil and filters being changed.  It is an interim measure to ensure your engine’s operation.

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